Sunday, October 26, 2014

2014 - Australia Post - Southern Lights

If colors don't inspire, then what else can ? Look at the Southern Lights ( Aurora Australis ), are they not jaw dropping phenomenon, only fortunate to be visible in few countries. Australia Post is one of the pioneers in coming up with amazing stamps on a wide variety of subjects. Full credits to them. For 2014 I suppose this could be the grand release.

Set of 4 Stamps

Issued on 23rd August the release features 11 varieties such as set of 4 stamps, mini-sheet, a wonderful maxi-card set, stamp-medallion cover, postcard, coles-bay, booklet, gutter strip etc. Sometimes we get that overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration looking at these beautiful stamps. The photographs in the design were taken in Tasmania as reported by Auspost. Well, one can wish to see both Borealis and Australis once in our their lifetime.

Maxicard Set of 4


Monday, August 25, 2014

Norway Post - Northern Lights

Yet again another Norwegian Stamp, but sorry !!!! 

Stamps are always referred to reflect history, sometimes a bit of geography too. One such example is this beautiful personalised stamp of Northern lights pictured above Bleikøya in Andøy, Norway. Aurora tourism in Norway has become a huge hit as Travel, Photography magazines and on-line photography communities are flooded with articles. One such article indicates that the tourism in Norway has doubled that too in winter and the reason cited as experiencing Northern Lights. A popular TV show named "Jakten på Nordlyset” ( Hunting Northern Lights ) is another factor related to this huge increase. 
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But here all the credit goes to Norway post for this release at a time when I was starving for one. Being released on 16th May 2014, the release was so generous in the sense it had varieties such as single set ( Pic # 1 ) ,  Golden FDC Pic # 2 ) which is called as "Rolls Royce of First Day Covers, FDC - First day covers ( Pic # 3 ) , Maximum card ( Pic # 4 ), 4/8 block, Collectors Sheet, Sheet with 20 stamps, Presentation pack 4/8 block. One of the key things I was hugely impressed is the design of the first day cover seal. Photo Credit goes to Roy Samuelsen

Already in possession of this beautiful stamp, now with a huge sigh I add this to my bucket list. what are you waiting for ?

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